carnivore diet pt.2

Well. What an experience.

I learned few things: 
1st I have will power. If I can stick to meat only diet, I can do just about anything gradually 
2nd carb addiction is super real.
3rd you lose a lot of weight, restricting 2/3 of your variety.
4th keto flu sucks.

So far the benefits amount to quick weight loss, steady energy, desire to do a little more every day. Ability to breath through my nose!!!
The side effects are crazy diarrhea, pretty intense fatigue, working out is tiring and painful.

I realize I have will power, but I have used it so seldom, that I forgot I had to exercise it, in order to make it stronger. I believe everyone can make that happen.
The addictive quality of All sugar present in just about all things that aren't meat is crazy. I'm literally dreaming of Olivie, a Russian salad with peas and beets right now, like crazy. My neighbor gave us chocolate cupcakes. Type I actually won't touch with a ten foot pole, normally. And I was super bummed 😂 I really wanted one.
The steady weight loss is a good motivator. Ability to breath through my nose for the first time in 2 years, is another great motivator. 
I'm hoping I don't fall into the coffee pit. That would suck.

So, I'll just keep trucking. Taking naps when I am tired if I can do it.


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