
carnivore diet pt.2

Well. What an experience. I learned few things:  1st I have will power. If I can stick to meat only diet, I can do just about anything gradually  2nd carb addiction is super real. 3rd you lose a lot of weight, restricting 2/3 of your variety. 4th keto flu sucks. So far the benefits amount to quick weight loss, steady energy, desire to do a little more every day. Ability to breath through my nose!!! The side effects are crazy diarrhea, pretty intense fatigue, working out is tiring and painful. I realize I have will power, but I have used it so seldom, that I forgot I had to exercise it, in order to make it stronger. I believe everyone can make that happen. The addictive quality of All sugar present in just about all things that aren't meat is crazy. I'm literally dreaming of Olivie, a Russian salad with peas and beets right now, like crazy. My neighbor gave us chocolate cupcakes. Type I actually won't touch with a ten foot pole, normally. And I was super bummed 😂 I really w

Carnivore diet.

At age of 40, I have topped out at 172.1lbs. Normal routines of eating a little cleaner and watching my portions has led me to climb higher on the totem pole of being fat. Typically I drink coffee or tea with a splash of milk, then eat whatever kids are eating around 12pm. Then I graze. Then I graze again, and then have dinner. I have been convinced that due to my many impending doom problems: random weird pains in my joins, hands, ankle, head, sinus problems from he'll, allergies that won't go away, and of course inability to smell Anything for the past 3 years,  or breath through my nose, as well as random skin problems, that something needs to change.  I wanted to try holistic approach with fermented foods, because I know those are good. And water kefir. Oh man is it good. But I got to return stuff. There's just no way. I'll make some I guess, for holidays. There's always holidays, right? It's almost alcoholic, so naturally I like it. But I won't make a h

Of life and other things one ponders whilst gazing at the sea.

 Delightful thing it is, to be married.   You have ups. You have downs. You have weirdness. You have absolute perfection, at times.  Sometimes, if you did it right, you have anniversaries. Typically, they're annual. Usually they are in one way or another, in some way able to remind you of your perfect day, and bring a little joy of getting another year older, and another year wiser together.  It's a thing. It's usually delightful. Then there's the usual tensions of growing up as a human being. You learn how to navigate this life with another one in your mind at all times, and do things for the benefit of each other. Providing, working, and blessing the Lord one and all. Here's my sweet man, my rock and my all. Of course you could be married to an addict. Right? The more I traverse the facebook or twitter feeds, the more I see it. Women and men, both struggling with their spouses, and I mean not all of us have traversed this beautiful, yet broken world, without some

Home things

Quick post showing a sweet sweet team at work. Take that Taco Bell quesadilla sauce. We don't need you. Like at all. Unless you're willing to deliver yourself to our front door. For free. But it would be wrong. Good kind of wrong. .... We don't need you! (/smacks self out of a tizzy) It was a good sauce.

True Love

My gentle readers, It has been veritable years since I've put two words to paper that were not a combination of therapy, prayer and mindless drivel.  I've had an inspiration to blog again, mostly for you my children. Dare I say, my children's children. My grands?  Hmm. I see a need to introduce myself. I am currently a middle aged, overweight, grumpy woman. I have five children, four of which are this side of heaven and are my pride and delight, and a blessing of a husband. I pray our one saint is constantly interceeding for us before the Judge. I speak two languages fluently. Enjoy reading and hoarding books, walks on the beach, hanging with my hubby doing just about anything, wink wink, eh what.  I love the Adoration, the Holy Mass, my mama Mary, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity. I also love American Classic cars. I'd like to drive one someday. Shooting. I love shooting just about anything. Old hunter rifles are my favorite. But I do enjoy AR, surpr